
Daniela Bedoya

My name is Daniela Bedoya, I am student of institutional service management, I am 19 years old. I like sometimes get out with my friends to parties, to cinema or drink something, I live in Chia with my mom, and I have a little pet its a cat and its name is tito. I hope this semester has great marks, and some day be good Management Institutional Service

Essay About Inventors

The inventors are fundamental in the life of any person, because they found things to make the life was more easy. For example we know how Leonardo Da Vinci and Albert Enistein change the life of everybody they nowadays they are known like great inventors who showed fresh and innovating ideas, that after long time they have great importance.

First Leonardo da Vinci was an inventor and artist. As artist is remembered to be innovator with his paintings, and as inventor is remember for his crazy ideas, but the things that he invent we continued using or were the base to create others. Between those we have the compass, screw or the parachute. We cannot forget that he was a very intelligent person, and of humble origin and which never imagine that after long years it would obtain as much fame and success as artist and inventor.

Now, Albert Einstein, he was physic and mathematic and he is remembered to discover and to invent the theory of relativity. This theory is fundamental in the physics and mathematics. Too many people use it, like astronauts, mathematic, people that is interesting in universe or simple students of engineer or the high school; also it is used in cellular’s, cars, security systems and other things. For that reason this theory is the base for technology creation or of formulates in physics and mathematics. Albert Einstein arrives far with its theory, and nowadays it is used by many of us.

Leonardo da Vinci and Albert Einstein, were very intelligent people and who of small things they make great things to the benefit of the humanity, with the purpose to facilitate the life, also they obtained the respect and the admiration of many, and they never got to think that after nobody believed in them and of many failures they are fundamental part in the history of the humanity.


Over time the economy of any country can suffer ups and downs, this depends on the economic movement that leads the country, of entrances, exits, gross domestic product, among other services. Therefore it is essential that a country is clear that is what is looks and wants to reach economically. But what happens if a country falls into recession, what are its causes and effects.

First of all, the recession is "is a period of decline in Gross Domestic Product of an economy", and this is one cause of inflation, if a country has high inflation, the currency loses value, purchasing power, which takes as a result is that there is more money in circulation and inflation rises. Not to mention that depending on the country, the currency loses value against the euro, dollar or yen.

As we find the second leading cause speculation, which is when an employer or supplier of goods and services prices rise prior to a future in the currency could lose value when there is inflation and the employer grow revenue, which is not fair to many as some gain and others lose unfairly, without forgetting that most consumers get lost.

Finally, one may conclude that inflation is an economic factor because it brings to their causes many effects such as low prices, corruption, unemployment among others which are not favorable to any country. Therefore it is necessary to prevent inflation and that no country suffer from such consequences as setting higher interest rates and controlling the money supply. For this, all consumers must do our part and help this economic factor that can cause losses in any economy.



Cell phones were created to facilitate communication between people anywhere, no matter where they are, as it is via satellite. As we know cell phones are "an electronic device that allows wireless access to the network of cellular or mobile." But apart from this definition which is the effect of these in society

The first effect this distance communications of people no matter where they are, they can communicate when they want and when they need it, either for an emergency or just to say hello to a friend or distant relatives.

The second effect through the cell is achieved not just talk to relatives but also is a means by which to close or conduct business, where beneficiaries were the people in high positions who do business on a need to be established and communicated both with the company as with other managers or executives, is an easy and simple to make and maintain business.

The third effect that this cell now serves not only to communicate but also has the function of storing music, Internet, camera, video, work in Word, Excel, among others, is a practical tool that is useful for anyone in any situation.

Therefore can conclude that the invention of the cellular make life easier for many people, which became an easy, useful and essential in life, and to dare the cell are carried out and defined much of daily life . The cell you are looking for shorter distances and that people get a service rewarding.

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